Civil Engineering Design Services
MEG has the experience and expertise to provide the full range of engineering services, technical advice and assistance that may be required relative to infrastructure and site development.
Our engineering services include:
- stormwater management studies and drainage design
- wastewater collection, disposal and treatment systems
- water system analysis and design of water supply and distribution systems
- roadway improvement projects
- design review services
- soil evaluation and percolation testing
- septic system design and upgrades
- wastewater treatment facility design
- residential, commercial and industrial site planning and subdivision design (preliminary, definitive and ANR)
- design of recreational facilities, including natural and synthetic turf fields and amenities
- wetland delineation and preparation of environmental reports
- structural design (bridges, retaining walls, tanks)
- contract documents and specifications and construction cost estimates
- hydrogeologic studies
- condominium plans
- design of docks/piers