Northbridge DPW Building

Northbridge, MA

McKenzie Engineering Group, Inc. (MEG), in collaboration with Habeeb & Associates, Inc., coordinated the civil/site design to permit the redevelopment of 11 Fletcher Street in Northbridge, Massachusetts to construct a new vehicle storage facility for the Town of Northbridge Department of Public Works. The site is comprised of approximately 3.84 acres and contains wetland resources associated with the Mumford River. Wetland resources are an inland bank, riverfront area, and bordering land subject to flooding (areas within Zone AE). The site’s upland qualified as a Previously Degraded Riverfront Area under 310 CMR 10.58(5). The redevelopment project involved the razing of two (2) existing buildings, construction of a one-story, 5,760 square ft. (GFA) building as a vehicle storage facility, access drives, parking areas, stormwater management facilities, utilities, site grading, and landscaping. The proposed drainage system included grassed swales and a bio-retention cell to attenuate peak runoff rates generated by all storm events and provide for the treatment and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus per Town of Northbridge regulations. The stormwater management design is in full compliance with the DEP Stormwater Management Regulations for a redevelopment project. The project required approval from the Northbridge Planning Board and an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission.